Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics

Nebulae Maul

kills: 3 die: 4 performance: 42.86%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Termis ronniealfa
Those Other Guys
2590 Grigoram
The Pale Sun Mercenary Commission
Novastrov 2 20/07/2023 03:02:24
Kain MK2 Brandy
Those Other Guys
3889 Taurgis
The Pale Sun Mercenary Commission
Novastrov 4 20/07/2023 02:11:12
Artemis Toninu
Pretty Hate Machine
5681 Inda
Rusty Rangers
Domhalarn 5 13/06/2023 15:53:26

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Cameleon Nebulae Maul
Rusty Rangers
670 Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
Novastrov 2 20/07/2023 03:17:16
Cameleon Nebulae Maul
Rusty Rangers
606 Toninu
Pretty Hate Machine
Domhalarn 1 13/06/2023 15:51:46
Sequer MK2 Nebulae Maul
Rusty Rangers
470 ronniealfa
Fusion Enterprises
Langh [T0] 1 11/06/2023 14:24:04
Yagel MK2 Nebulae Maul
Rusty Rangers
739 Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
Bleumon [T1] 1 30/05/2023 02:13:54

Performance review

May 2023 0 1 0.00%
June 2023 1 2 33.33%
July 2023 2 1 66.67%