Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics

Space Cadet

kills: 45 die: 4 performance: 91.84%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Artemis Metal Mulisha
Piracy Preferred
5895 Abaddon
Nian Legacy
Domhalarn 6 17/05/2020 21:07:48
Daidalos RealityBites
Those Other Guys
5275 Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 6 16/05/2020 04:01:25
Termis Prototype Virus
Piracy Preferred
2045 JLish
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 15/05/2020 20:28:18
Ictus Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
1860 Urglefloggah
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 7 15/05/2020 20:28:02
Vagabond Turbo Servos
Piracy Preferred
1327 JLish
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 15/05/2020 20:27:28
Kain MK2 Blocker
Those Other Guys
6169 JLish
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 15/05/2020 20:26:56
Kain Quin
Those Other Guys
15393 Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 8 15/05/2020 20:26:29
Prometheus PoWeRoVeRwHeLmInG
Apologetic Tendencies
10042 Urglefloggah
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 8 12/04/2020 03:28:01
Vagabond Baglodush Kemory
Those Other Guys
957 Alsbale 6 10/04/2020 03:02:14
Artemis MK2 Blocker
Those Other Guys
9597 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 8 10/04/2020 02:59:42
Artemis MK2 Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
12041 bobo 1994
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 10/04/2020 02:57:32
Artemis Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
10453 Subot1
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 6 10/04/2020 02:57:23
Callisto Fett Factor
Pretty Hate Machine
1873 bobo 1994
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 6 10/04/2020 02:56:46
Kain MK2 Quin
Those Other Guys
5169 Urglefloggah
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 7 25/03/2020 04:44:35
Artemis MK2 Dark
Those Other Guys
12347 Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 7 25/03/2020 04:43:45

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Tyrannos Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
3092 JimbozGrapes
Pretty Hate Machine
Alsbale 7 19/03/2020 04:24:59
Gropho MK2 Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
3818 Dread
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 2 14/03/2020 18:13:18
Tyrannos Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
2591 Bondik
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
Domhalarn 2 24/02/2020 02:13:27
Tyrannos MK2 Space Cadet
Nian Legacy
3407 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 4 12/02/2020 04:35:22

Performance review

December 2019 13 0 100.00%

January 2020 5 0 100.00%
February 2020 6 2 75.00%
March 2020 8 2 80.00%
April 2020 6 0 100.00%
May 2020 7 0 100.00%