Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 13 die: 0 performance: 100.00%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Yagel Indalina
Nian Legacy
554 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Alsbale 3 30/04/2020 04:47:04
Kain Inda
Nian Legacy
4513 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Alsbale 5 16/03/2020 04:09:42
Vagabond JLish
Nian Legacy
1402 Dread
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 03:17:04
Seth MK2 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
13975 Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 03:16:00
Callisto Hiashi
Nian Legacy
1693 Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 4 23/02/2020 03:14:20
Mesmer MK2 Kiriak
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
9412 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 5 23/02/2020 03:13:41
Vagabond MK2 Beastmode
Nian Legacy
1456 Dread
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 03:12:28
Callisto JLish
Nian Legacy
1807 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 5 23/02/2020 02:59:56
Tyrannos MK2 GTom
Nian Legacy
12024 Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 02:59:19
Artemis MK2 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
14017 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 8 23/02/2020 02:58:46
Cameleon MK2 Beastmode
Nian Legacy
790 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 02:58:18
Troiar MK2 Hiashi
Nian Legacy
861 Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 6 23/02/2020 02:52:12
Arbalest JLish
Nian Legacy
1972 Blocker
Those Other Guys
Alsbale 3 23/02/2020 02:44:41

Performance review

February 2020 11 0 100.00%
March 2020 1 0 100.00%
April 2020 1 0 100.00%