Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Corporation statistics

Greyshift Industries

kills: 3 die: 1 performance: 75.00%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Vektor Themistocles
Clockwork Orange
3237 Saint of Grey
Greyshift Industries
Kentagura 1 09/09/2022 23:21:19
Vektor Themistocles
Clockwork Orange
704 Saint of Grey
Greyshift Industries
Kentagura 1 03/09/2022 17:23:26
Echelon lifekiller
Nian Legacy
9587 Kentagura 2 02/09/2022 23:03:41

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Echelon Saint of Grey
Greyshift Industries
10939 lifekiller
Nian Legacy
Kentagura 1 02/09/2022 22:59:54

Most dangerous Agents into corporation Kills
Saint of Grey 3

Performance review

September 2022 3 1 75.00%