Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 4 die: 3 performance: 57.14%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Riveler Kulla
The Pale Sun Mercenary Commission
3017 Shooter
Pretty Hate Machine
Djodi [T0] 11 18/07/2023 14:25:01
Riveler Shaddai
The Pale Sun Mercenary Commission
3170 Shooter
Pretty Hate Machine
Djodi [T0] 8 18/07/2023 14:24:55
Argano Vilou
842 Kulla
Kentagura 4 30/06/2023 16:24:23
Argano Heeme
155 Kentagura 3 30/06/2023 16:24:22

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Riveler Atargatis
The Pale Sun Mercenary Commission
3200 Slayen
Pretty Hate Machine
Djodi [T0] 7 18/07/2023 14:24:52
Sequer Atargatis
the Pale sun Mercernary commisson
1262 Centurion
Piracy Preferred
Novastrov 3 05/07/2023 17:56:13
Sequer Atargatis
334 Kentagura 1 30/06/2023 16:24:17

Performance review

June 2023 2 1 66.67%
July 2023 2 2 50.00%