Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 16 die: 9 performance: 64.00%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Cameleon Bobaslk
Nian Legacy
203 Kentagura 1 10/03/2022 12:51:50
Arbalest Grapefruit Gobbler
Church Of Nic
1427 Beastmode
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 2 04/05/2020 13:52:49
Kain Rapid Blaster
Pretty Hate Machine
15593 bobo 1994
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 6 30/03/2020 12:08:46
Artemis Lectron
Those Other Guys
5906 Urglefloggah
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 22/03/2020 03:51:01
Artemis MK2 Blocker
Those Other Guys
4366 Darktar
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 6 22/03/2020 03:47:39
Artemis Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
6570 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 9 22/03/2020 03:47:09
Artemis MK2 Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
11596 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 9 22/03/2020 03:46:46
Baphomet Lectron
Those Other Guys
3025 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 7 22/03/2020 03:44:19
Baphomet MK2 Blocker
Those Other Guys
5665 Inda
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 6 22/03/2020 03:42:39
Artemis MK2 Blocker
Those Other Guys
5325 Alsbale 6 21/03/2020 00:15:03
Artemis MK2 Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
5982 Urglefloggah
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 21/03/2020 00:13:39
Helix Multiplicity
915 Norhoop 5 22/02/2020 12:08:31
Locust Singleton
2529 Inda
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 4 22/02/2020 12:03:25
Helix Multiplicity
562 Lord Maldodor
Nian Legacy
Norhoop 6 16/02/2020 13:51:18
Legatus mourak
Those Other Guys
10586 Vampyrik
Nian Legacy
Hershfield 3 08/02/2020 02:49:02

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Argano Bobasek
Rusty Rangers
867 Judgement
Pretty Hate Machine
Novastrov 1 18/04/2024 16:06:45
Argano Bobasek
Rusty Rangers
850 Dread
EXtreme Tactical Solutions
Novastrov 1 18/02/2023 00:34:19
Cameleon Bobasek
Rusty Rangers
763 Dread
EXtreme Tactical Solutions
Novastrov 1 21/01/2023 12:26:49
Cameleon Bobasek
Rusty Rangers
756 Dread
EXtreme Tactical Solutions
Novastrov 1 21/01/2023 12:18:51
Zenith MK2 Bobasek
Rusty Rangers
1590 Riolik
Hokkogaros 3 21/08/2022 09:19:33
Zenith MK2 Bobasek
Nian Legacy
1660 Bobasik
Nian Legacy
Kentagura 1 18/06/2020 14:47:39
Cameleon Bobasek
Nian Legacy
724 Singleton
Norhoop 3 16/02/2020 13:19:45
Zenith MK2 Bobasek
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1604 Dread
EXtreme Tactical Solutions
Hokkogaros 2 24/10/2019 11:45:59
Laird Bobasek
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
598 Trend
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 1 24/06/2018 07:08:10

Performance review

June 2018 0 1 0.00%

October 2019 0 1 0.00%

February 2020 5 1 83.33%
March 2020 9 0 100.00%
May 2020 1 0 100.00%
June 2020 0 1 0.00%

March 2022 1 0 100.00%
August 2022 0 1 0.00%

January 2023 0 2 0.00%
February 2023 0 1 0.00%

April 2024 0 1 0.00%