Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 94 die: 16 performance: 85.45%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Kain MK2 Simis
Pretty Hate Machine
24117 Wellington
Nian Legacy
Domhalarn 5 09/05/2021 01:41:05
Baphomet Erichan
Pretty Hate Machine
13504 Auralius
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:57:10
Baphomet Rynikwiz
Those Other Guys
13557 Auralius
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:55:56
Baphomet Orbz
Pretty Hate Machine
13450 Manakias
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:54:49
Baphomet jarikil
Pretty Hate Machine
13450 Auralius
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 7 02/04/2021 17:53:13
Waspish Naproxen
Pretty Hate Machine
10317 Auralius
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:51:49
Baphomet Motor Sounds
Pretty Hate Machine
13440 JTrade
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:42:31
Baphomet jarikil
Pretty Hate Machine
11150 Auralius
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 7 02/04/2021 17:40:44
Baphomet Phantomburn
Pretty Hate Machine
13516 Manakias
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 8 02/04/2021 17:33:21
Baphomet Gerah
Pretty Hate Machine
3290 JTrade
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 7 02/04/2021 17:33:13
Intakt Encoreland
French Navy
833 SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
Domhalarn 1 01/04/2021 08:15:21
Kain Landoss
French Navy
7965 Beastmode
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 3 31/03/2021 17:21:32
Kain Ramses II
French Navy
9876 Beastmode
Nian Legacy
Alsbale 5 31/03/2021 17:20:26
Kain Inda
Rusty Rangers
7503 Big Tom
Nian Legacy
Hershfield 5 31/03/2021 14:56:42
Kain Inda
Rusty Rangers
26074 blobobobo
Nian Legacy
Domhalarn 12 29/03/2021 14:23:10

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Helix SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1358 DjNotNice
Domhalarn 1 09/05/2021 01:41:42
Daidalos SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
3620 Demonic Prototype
Piracy Preferred
Norhoop 5 02/04/2021 19:18:38
Locust SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
11469 Ashaban Hutt
French Navy
Domhalarn 9 29/03/2021 14:05:31
Echelon SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
11139 poKK
French Navy
Domhalarn 8 29/03/2021 13:30:34
Argano SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
927 Inda
Rusty Rangers
Domhalarn 2 29/03/2021 06:29:03
Ikarus SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
634 Starscream
Piracy Preferred
Novastrov 1 28/03/2021 17:39:12
Callisto SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
2613 Ashaban Hutt
French Navy
Domhalarn 5 28/03/2021 11:15:16
Helix SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
978 Khetar
No Limits
Domhalarn 5 30/09/2018 14:28:43
Arkhe SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
958 Nephrit Snake
Hokkogaros 3 20/07/2018 17:07:16
Callisto SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1762 Bud Lightning
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 19/07/2018 11:48:10
Vektor SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1019 Toninu
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 1 28/06/2018 11:08:53
Vektor SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1832 Trend
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 1 27/06/2018 15:49:02
Helix SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1425 Trend
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 1 27/06/2018 10:28:29
Helix SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1046 Motor Sounds
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 24/06/2018 13:31:54
Vektor SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1585 Trend
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
Norhoop 1 18/06/2018 15:04:05

Performance review

May 2018 3 0 100.00%
June 2018 10 6 62.50%
July 2018 27 2 93.10%
August 2018 24 0 100.00%
September 2018 6 1 85.71%
October 2018 1 0 100.00%

January 2019 1 0 100.00%

July 2020 1 0 100.00%

March 2021 10 5 66.67%
April 2021 10 1 90.91%
May 2021 1 1 50.00%