Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 20 die: 5 performance: 80.00%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Fusion Enterprises
13839 Motor Sounds
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 4 17/05/2024 12:19:22
Fusion Enterprises
12459 Phantomburn
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 4 17/05/2024 12:14:01
Mesmer MK2 SunnyJester
Pretty Hate Machine
11244 Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
Domhalarn 4 16/04/2024 21:26:20
Ikarus Lososenok
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
442 Bad Factory
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 2 07/08/2018 12:20:32
Laird Andromeda Galaxy
Raven Guards
0 Norhoop 1 04/08/2018 08:43:52
Hermes hexin
Nian Legacy
925 Fett Factor
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 2 03/08/2018 20:29:01
Gargoyle Cylon
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
2218 Bud Lightning
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 03/08/2018 19:59:41
Daidalos Cylon
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
1739 Bud Lightning
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 4 01/08/2018 14:53:15
Cronus Ben Joe
9364 Rovoc
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 01/08/2018 11:11:35
Cronus John Doo
9384 Gerah
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 2 01/08/2018 11:09:04
Arkhe SkyRio
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
958 Nephrit Snake
Hokkogaros 3 20/07/2018 17:07:16
Cameleon PromisedOne
638 Peanutbutter
Pretty Hate Machine
Domhalarn 2 16/07/2018 20:42:32
Waspish GTom
Nian Legacy
3081 Peanutbutter
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 02/07/2018 16:42:19
Waspish Dobroxod
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
3421 Gerah
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 5 02/07/2018 16:35:15
Laird TheSkySoldier
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
631 Sunnyblack
Pretty Hate Machine
Norhoop 3 03/06/2018 15:23:37

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Arkhe Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
785 Rover2
Pretty Hate Machine
Daichi Tengri [T3] 1 03/08/2023 09:11:11
Troiar Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
605 ShowBlink
Raven Guards
Norhoop 1 04/08/2018 08:58:26
Cameleon Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
517 ShowBlink
Raven Guards
Norhoop 2 03/08/2018 12:04:50
Cameleon Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
229 Ghames
Alsbale 1 01/07/2018 21:20:09
Cameleon Rover4
Pretty Hate Machine
587 Zortarg
Saeder Krupp Heavy Machinery
Domhalarn 1 29/05/2018 12:34:27

Performance review

May 2018 3 1 75.00%
June 2018 3 0 100.00%
July 2018 4 1 80.00%
August 2018 7 2 77.78%

August 2023 0 1 0.00%

April 2024 1 0 100.00%
May 2024 2 0 100.00%