Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics

kills: 0 die: 3 performance: 0.00%

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Argano Lady RockBuster
Piracy Preferred
691 JLish
Nian Legacy
Novastrov 2 22/12/2020 17:28:13
Arkhe Lady RockBuster
Piracy Preferred
743 Red Corsair
Mercenaries of the Red Corsair
Novastrov 1 03/07/2020 16:24:12
Argano Lady RockBuster
632 JLish
Nian Legacy
Hokkogaros 2 11/05/2020 17:30:15

Performance review

May 2020 0 1 0.00%
July 2020 0 1 0.00%
December 2020 0 1 0.00%