Open Perpetuum Killboard

Open Perpetuum Killboard

Agent statistics


kills: 3 die: 5 performance: 37.50%

Last kills

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Riveler John
Piracy Preferred
4419 Slayen
Pretty Hate Machine
Novastrov 8 22/07/2023 09:37:08
Baphomet DjNotNice
13484 Turk Turkleton
Nian Legacy
Novastrov 12 22/07/2023 09:25:25
Gropho Altera II
Pretty Hate Machine
7888 SuperiorMunitions
Piracy Preferred
Novastrov 10 21/07/2023 17:53:48

Last losses

 RobotVictimTake damageKilling blowLocationDate
Ikarus Kenrich
Piracy Preferred
753 imelman
Band of Brothers
Novastrov 1 22/07/2023 10:54:13
Arkhe Kenrich
Piracy Preferred
1181 Getro Gibbs
Band of Brothers
Novastrov 1 22/07/2023 09:57:19
Seth Kenrich
Piracy Preferred
14201 SunnyJester
Pretty Hate Machine
Novastrov 12 22/07/2023 09:36:46
Termis Kenrich
Piracy Preferred
2670 John Cavil
Novastrov 4 02/07/2023 11:10:04
Gargoyle Kenrich
Fusion Enterprises
2764 SunnyJester
Pretty Hate Machine
Novastrov 4 30/06/2023 17:43:03

Performance review

June 2023 0 1 0.00%
July 2023 3 4 42.86%